Combine the power and ease of iPad with the high quality lease data of Energy Graphics.

Use Search tools to quickly find
and report leases, including historical leases.

Generate Lease Reports.

Compare and change Datasets easily.*

Create a Favorites list and Bookmark leases. Display Recents.

Email Lease Reports.

Compose and save Freeform Notes with a lease record.

Fast Download of monthly data updates, directly on the iPad.

*Datasets available with this application include Gulf_Mexico, Texas state waters and Louisiana state leases.

To schedule installation, contact:

Steve Truxal: (281) 788-6676 cell
Patti Stefek: (832) 372-7347 cell

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Copyright 2011 Energy Graphics, Inc.

Energy Graphics, Inc.
12121 Wickchester Lane, Suite 150
Houston, Texas 77089
Phone: (281) 558-2061
Fax: (281) 558-7340